What is a Group of Crows Called?


Crows can be found across all continents except Antarctica and are commonly seen in large groups. Crows are renowned for their intelligence and ability to thrive in various environments.

Birds known for being highly intelligent and social, like parrots, often form closely-knit groups to perform communal care duties. Folklore has used these highly social creatures as symbols of death and bad omens – while they provide excellent subjects for scientific study and natural research.


Crows are an iconic sight in the countryside. Although their dark plumage and cawing may look scary initially, these brilliant birds possess excellent memory retention skills and often hold onto grudges from past events, thus earning their association with death or bad luck in folklore and superstitions.

A “murder of crows” refers to any large group of these birds that gather together and form an ensemble flock. The phrase dates back to 15th-century England when people were more focused on classifying things than on seeing individual specimens of any sort. Nowadays, scientists no longer use this term and prefer flocks; generally, three crows are required to form one such murder of crows, although larger herds can often be found during winter months.

Murmurations are the collective noun for large flocks of birds that gather to roost together for protection from predators or simply social interaction between each other. Witnessing murmurations is quite spectacular, and you might spot hundreds of crows.

Crows have long been associated with battlefields, cemeteries, and gallows due to their nature as scavengers and omnivores. Being present near places where animals and people have perished likely contributes to folklore and superstition surrounding these birds.

Collective nouns are fun, and English offers plenty of them. Some examples are poetic – for instance, a charm of goldfinches or pride of lions – while others, like the murder of crows and parliament of owls, have more sinister connotations. Some are intended solely as amusing expressions, like hordes of ants or barrels of monkeys.


Crows are brilliant birds with impressive cognitive prowess. They use tools, plan for the future, and even recognize themselves in mirrors! Furthermore, crows have solid social cultures in which they share information in flocks, leading some to refer to them as the “Avian Einsteins.”

Crows have long been revered as birds of prey. Crows can often be seen congregating in groups called roosts. Crows have become iconic bird that appears after disasters or in cemeteries, often signaling death itself and sparking superstitions about them as omens for imminent danger.

Crows are omnivores that consume almost anything they find to eat, from dead animals to dumpsters full of food scraps and trash to treetop roosts filled with leftovers and scraps – hence why they’ve become such common sight at dumpsters and farms, where they often raid for scraps to snack on. Crows also frequently reside in roosts and move into cities due to food availability.

Crows may have a reputation as murderous scavengers, but these birds are exceptionally social and family-oriented. Crows live in tight-knit family groups where offspring often remain with both parents for years after hatching. These groups typically return each year to a particular territory they call home.

Crows gather together for various reasons, including roosting, scavenging, and feeling in danger. They share information among themselves by telling stories or teaching the young members of their flock. Crows can often be seen traveling together, creating quite a sight. Also, parliaments or tribunals of Crows exist that decide if one member should be punished for bad behavior or wrongdoing within their flock.


Crows are omnivorous scavengers that help maintain ecological equilibrium by accessing various plant and animal foods to keep ecological systems functioning at their optimal state. Crows are an integral part of nature, yet their all-black feathers and aggressive behavior may make them seem intimidating to some. As urban environments continue to become more dense with them, flocks are adaptable enough to survive even the harshest conditions; an experiment conducted at University of Washington demonstrated this very fact – they recognized and attacked people wearing scary masks over ten years later!

Crows often gather together for multiple purposes, including roosting, grieving, needing warmth, and feeling in danger or traveling. Unfortunately, this behavior has led them to acquire a negative connotation in many cultures as symbols of death and dark forces; battlefields, cemeteries, and dead bodies come to mind, with large gatherings often occurring near places expected to experience imminent deaths of either humans or animals alike. Crows also know to form parliaments or tribunals to decide the fate of flock members and execute any found guilty.

Though crows may have an unfortunate reputation for their intelligence and social behavior, it’s important to remember that they’re highly social creatures that form tight-knit communities that support each other. Their intelligence rivals great apes; they communicate in complex ways using language and gestures – using memory and passing along information to find food, escape predators and deflect threats.


Crows are highly social birds that prefer roosting in large flocks. According to their social behaviors, this number can range from two or three birds up to thousands. A group of crows is commonly known as a muster, mob, or horde; sometimes, this term can also be referred to as “murder,” though no set number must be present for it to qualify as such a term.

The term “murder” has its roots in superstitions and folktales. Crows, being black scavengers, have long been linked with death and destruction due to being seen on battlefields, cemeteries, disaster sites, and group deaths of humans and animals alike; they’re said to linger above these places to snack on any tasty carrion left by humanity behind – leading them to develop an unfavorable association over time; it is even thought that parliaments or tribunals of crows exist to decide the fate of fellow birds that don’t belong among their ranks!

Crows are essential research subjects. Their intelligence makes them capable of communicating in various forms; their close-knit social structure allows them to help each other through tough times; mirror tests have revealed them to be self-aware like great apes; they perform ritualistic behaviors when finding dead members of their flock and may help determine the cause of death by sensing any possible threats nearby.

Researchers have discovered that crows can remember events and bear grudges over long periods. When confronted by someone who threatened them years after it happened, the crows often respond aggressively to protect the flock with screeching or other aggressive behaviors. It’s believed this behavior evolved as an evolutionary survival mechanism.


Crows are among the most intelligent birds on Earth. Not only can they use tools and planning, but crows can even recognize people who have threatened or shown kindness – scientists remain amazed at their intellect!

Crows can gather in large flocks to form tribunals or parliaments to judge other crows who have done something wrong, and if their verdict goes against them, they can kill that bird! Although likely an urban myth, it illustrates their powerful nature.

As can be found worldwide, various species of crows can be found. Most are black with long wingspread and long, curved beaks; they belong to the Corvidae family which also encompasses ravens, magpies, and jays.

Crows may strike fear into some with their dark feathers and association with death, but these intelligent birds deserve respect as members of a social species that thrive on group interactions. A recent study has demonstrated that they can differentiate between two birds singing. There are various collective nouns for crows other than murder. These include horde, hover, mob, parcel muster, muster parliament storytelling, etc. In a group setting, these may be used in any combination to describe how many crows there are present, typically for animal groups or humans but may also be applied elsewhere (for instance, geese on land are called gaggle while those swimming may be known as skein wedge or team).