Spider-Man X Reader – Peter Parker Has Feelings For You
Peter often dreams of you and can almost smell your sandalwood-citrus shampoo. He wishes he could take the train to Providence and visit you more regularly – unfortunately, chem labs and Spider-man business keep him busy.
Y/n was upset after she was approached by Spiderman while walking home, but Peter laughed it off as nothing more.
You’re a shy artist.
Just because you love art doesn’t mean you want to talk much. No one notices you at school, and you spend most of your time drawing until Peter Parker walks into class and sets your heart racing! As much as you try not to blush and stammer as he passes you by, your heart starts racing, and blush quickly as his sight passes you.
Once again, you run into him a few days later at the store, taking time out to chat. You sense his interest but don’t know how best to respond; eventually, you decide to confess your feelings; unfortunately, your tongue ties in, and the conversation becomes awkward, with lots of tomato-red blushing taking place during it all.
After several more weeks of the same routine, you begin to recognize something has changed about Peter. He has changed significantly; he is no longer the boy you met two years earlier and dating someone new, but there’s this vague feeling in your gut that he only wants you.
One day, he invites you to a study session at his apartment, which you accept. At first, you think he is simply being kind; however, soon enough, it becomes evident that he wants to talk about your crush – you are both surprised and grateful to have this chance to express how you feel; however, upon further reflection, it soon becomes evident that this wasn’t the appropriate moment for such dialogue.
He’s at a bar with Harry Osborn and can’t stop staring at you. Though not one to engage in one-night stands, you seem impossible for him to forget when he returns home later that evening. Your eyes and lips keep running through his mind while your citrusy bergamot scent remains lodged within his hair, keeping him up at night.
After your fall, he and Shuri will visit you in the hospital. While you’re somewhat anxious for his safety in his hands, there’s little you can do to protect him. When he gets called away to fight in the Civil War, your worries grow more urgent, but when he returns safely, you are happy to see him back with us all again.
You don’t talk much to each other.
Peter Parker may be an accomplished superhero accustomed to facing danger, yet he remains an average teenager who attends school and makes friends. With difficulty expressing emotions, Peter Parker tends to keep his feelings for you close to the vest – until something like bullying at school occurs, and when he steps in to defend you, that’s when it is clear he cares for you deeply.
After several months of friendship, you finally tell him you like him, and he seems surprised but does not deny it. Soon after that, he asks you out for homecoming, which you accept but are concerned about how other friends might react as some do not wish for their friend to date her, so try to dissuade him from dating her.
But you know he loves you and wants to make things right between them, so he agrees. At the dance, he dances with you despite their disapproval; then, after kissing you on the cheek, he kisses you on both cheeks, but you’re still feeling nervous thinking of what your friends will think; you wish they wouldn’t gossip so much!
Peter doesn’t typically engage in one-night stands, but when Harry Osborn brings him to a bar in West Village, he finds it impossible not to make eye contact. Even though you are there with another guy – it makes Peter uncomfortable; he knows he has no choice in lying to Harry Osborn about this matter.
Next time, he asks you out, but you are feeling uneasy, tell him you’re not yet ready for a relationship – which he doesn’t believe – instead, saying they will discuss it later.
Once you can discuss it openly, you realize that Peter and you were meant for one another – although being with a superhero is dangerous, so keeping this relationship hidden may have been the better decision until one mission together where Peter saved your life by pushing away a bullet from hitting you!
You’re both bitten by the same spider.
Peter was bitten by a spider, which gave him superpowers and made him Spider-Man, saving New York City from criminals and villains while having an active love life and family life – becoming one of the greatest heroes ever known. Everyone looked up to this hero who saved New York.
His girlfriend found comfort in knowing he would always be there when needed; they shared an intense bond, with both having a deep appreciation for one another. When his dangerous missions required staying with him on dangerous missions – something they did not discuss openly, but she knew was helping people – she stayed close by him all along the way.
She disliked it when Spider-Man teased her; it drove her mad. She did not want to be his sidekick; she wanted her own life and did not wish for any attention drawn upon her. Although an accomplished artist, she prefers solitude with herself and her thoughts rather than sharing in others’ adventures. Additionally, her partner was her entire world, so anything that came between them had to go.
As time passed, however, she noticed he began to irritate her and did things that scared her, becoming tiresome for her. She told him how he was bothering her; however, he ignored her pleas.
One night, he took her up onto the roof, where she climbed onto his shoulders despite his initial discomfort at her spread arms and legs, but he did it anyway and kissed her, leading to blushes all around.
Another time, he crept into her room and placed a web in a corner of her desk while she was searching for her calculator and didn’t notice it immediately. Just before turning around, she saw him standing directly beside her, just inches from her, and scared off in fear as soon as he stood there; only then did he laugh and say he was playing around with her!
When she returned to school the next day, he was waiting outside her classroom. Although a bit uncomfortable with his presence there, he made sure not to embarrass her by telling her what had transpired the night before, yet still accepted his designation of being Spider-girl as part of their friendship.
You’ve known each other since you were fifteen.
Your two have been friends since eighth grade and often joke about growing old together. Now, however, you are beginning to take your relationship more seriously; Peter may never stop being Spider-Man but has improved at balancing his life, while you are finding new ways to express your concerns more openly with him instead of hiding them from him.
One evening at a party with your friends, you notice Peter dancing with someone else but keep seeing his eyes looking back towards you. You smile and wave, but he keeps smiling at you, wanting to tell him how you feel but unsure he could handle hearing what’s true.
Your feelings for Peter remain unknown to anyone – including MJ – since you don’t want to cause problems for her relationship and worry that your parents might discover and punish you for it.
But you are determined not to let that stop you from communicating your feelings to him. He eventually notices you giving him looks, blushing when speaking with him, and finally asks you out on a date, which leaves you delighted and overjoyed.
The next day, you encounter him at school and kiss him. When he arrives home to all those waiting for him, he becomes anxious, but you reassure him that it will all work out just fine. Unfortunately, at nightfall, he wakes up without hearing anything at all, and you become fearful he’ll be killed while on his late-night patrol duty.
At that moment, you realize it’s time to open up to him about everything that has been keeping from you for too long – you have held onto this secret too long, and now is the time for confessions of love! Confronting such fears is scary but will pay off in the end as he understands what you are going through now more than ever; after losing both Gwen and his aunt due to cancer, he needs you more than ever before.