Harnessing Strategic Conclusions From Virtual and Augmented Reality


Unleashing strategic insights from data generated by virtual and augmented reality, artificial intelligence, and biometrics requires an architecture designed to quickly analyze large volumes of information – which is where open systems technologies come in handy.

Open Systems Technologies employees rank its Culture and Compensation among the lowest 10% for similar-sized firms.

Cost Efficiency

No matter the technology being utilized – virtual or augmented reality, artificial intelligence, or biometrics – open systems enable users to generate data quickly and efficiently. Harnessing strategic insights from such information requires an open platform that can synthesize it at scale while remaining adaptable enough to accommodate innovations as they emerge.

One way of accomplishing this is by adopting an open architecture standard like HOST (Host-based Open System Technology), which allows system components to be added or updated at various points throughout its lifespan without necessitating an overhaul of its entire framework. Such flexibility enables developers to use commercial off-the-shelf hardware rather than expensive proprietary technology solutions, helping keep costs under control and save on development time and expenses.

Open architecture systems offer another advantage: they can easily integrate with existing platforms, leading to significant maintenance savings. For example, retailers can install personal computers at front-end terminals to reduce IT management costs and save labor, equipment, and energy costs. Furthermore, open systems provide more software options and can be tailored to the business’s requirements.

Due to these benefits, it’s no wonder many businesses are adopting an open systems strategy. According to Ernst and Young’s survey findings, almost half of respondents believe available systems are essential for success in today’s unpredictable business environment and supporting resilient IT infrastructure development.

Open systems not only increase project value but can also significantly enhance employee productivity. Reliable tools and applications play an essential role here; employees can work more efficiently without worrying about how their information connects to other systems – leading to enhanced work performance and greater competitiveness for the company.


Open systems architectures are created with modular frameworks that enable different hardware and software services to collaborate seamlessly, sharing data. This flexibility offers cost efficiency and innovation benefits: users can change, update, and expand the system without incurring total system overhaul fees from its original vendor. In addition, using different vendors allows competitive pricing as they offer various components necessary for an open system architecture – thus saving on long-term recurring fees from its original provider.

Flexibility also extends to the operating system itself. Owners can purchase best-of-breed products from multiple providers instead of being bound to one software application or proprietary system. Which reduces overall operational costs while enabling technology refresh over the system’s lifetime.

While open systems are generally intended to be as flexible as possible, sometimes other factors require them not to be fully available in some areas. For example, different quality attributes (like dependability, performance, robustness, and safety) are more essential than modularity for specific architectural components – thus, conforming to an open interface standard may decrease quality or pose security threats.

To address these challenges, program offices should require integrators to document the rationale and justification for any relatively closed or un-open system architecture. Such documentation will prove invaluable when the need to trade off openness against other priorities or requirements arises.

Open Systems Technologies employees rank their compensation lower than average compared to similar-sized companies. They believe the company offers below-average perks and benefits such as healthcare and vacation time. However, Open Systems Technologies has taken steps to enhance employee satisfaction.

Overall, employees at Open Systems Technologies were satisfied with their job and coworkers. Employees felt confident with their managers and thought the company had an enjoyable culture; meetings at this company were found effective; employees enjoyed engaging with coworkers through various forms of interaction; however, there is plenty of room for growth regarding diversity and communication at Open Systems Technologies.


Open systems technologies offer a powerful means for innovating. From virtual or augmented reality, artificial intelligence, biometrics, or anything else imaginable, innovation requires an architecture capable of quickly synthesizing large amounts of data. Open systems technologies provide this architecture as physical frameworks and philosophical approaches for organizing information and interpreting results.

An open system in technology refers to a set of principles and practices designed to foster collaboration, interoperability, and flexibility between various organizations. They often rely on open-source code and make customizing or expanding easy. By adopting such systems, businesses can reduce costs while improving security by sharing resources.

Open systems serve as the ultimate bridges, linking older and newer frameworks while connecting previously disconnected platforms to form one seamless data collection system that simplifies accessing data, reducing duplicated or siloed information, and helping businesses make more informed decisions regarding operations and security strategies.

Open systems offer significant advantages in integrating different software and hardware systems, helping reduce development and maintenance costs while giving users access to additional capabilities without needing to replace their current systems. This benefit can be especially important across industries ranging from financial services to automotive manufacturing.

Architecture has seen increasing use of open systems technologies, particularly Open BIM. This available model facilitates 3D model exchange and can be utilized by architects for various services, including clash detection, project management, procurement planning, and space/asset management.

As our world becomes more digital, businesses need flexible IT solutions that allow for adaption and evolution – therefore, adopting open systems platforms is crucial to business survival. Such platforms enable companies to work seamlessly with new software and hardware while increasing interoperability to avoid proprietary formats which might become outdated sooner rather than later.


Open systems technologies offer both flexibility and increased security advantages over closed ones. This is because their architecture is constructed with industry-standard components and languages, while closed ones may use proprietary parts that limit security measures. Furthermore, modularity in open systems makes removal of individual components possible without disrupting the system’s overall functionality.

Although open systems may not be practical for all organizations, they offer significant advantages in government settings. Open systems can help eliminate technology lock-in, which stifles innovation. Locking agencies into specific systems that cannot be modified compromises flexibility for agencies that rely on it.

Open systems offer numerous benefits, including reduced data loss risks and faster response to security threats, reduced maintenance costs, more flexible software platform deployment, and savings in better service quality and processing power.

Open systems concepts provide government agencies with an invaluable way of quickly responding to security threats and meeting regulatory requirements while at the same time giving them flexibility for changing business processes as their agency grows and changes over time. Open systems have revolutionized communication and collaboration for people worldwide – they’ll play even greater roles as they become even more integrated into our lives in the coming decades.

OST provides IT consulting services to federal, state, and local government agencies and private sector clients. Their consultants offer technical expertise in IT management, infrastructure support, audits, project management, and app development. With offices located in Washington, DC, Richmond, VA, and San Antonio, TX, OST stands ready to offer its expertise wherever needed.

This company provides IT training and certifications, has various partnerships with universities, and boasts clients, including the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Homeland Security, Freddie Mac, and Veterans Affairs.